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How to Unlock and Equip Perks for Your MyPlayer in NBA 2K22 Next-Gen

How to Equip Perks for Your MyPlayer in NBA 2K22 Next-Gen

If you have not equipped perks on your MyPlayer in NBA 2k22 Next-Gen Career mode, you are missing out on small but significant boosts that could help you win more games. To start off you need to unlock the perks, because of course… how can you equip perks if you don’t have any to put on your MyPlayer.

One of the best methods to get or unlock perks is to complete quests. The quests that you need to complete will have the perk that it unlocks in the reward section of the description. It is important to note that these types of quests may not always be available so you have to check back periodically if you don’t have a quest with a perk as a reward.

Only one perk can be added to your MyPlayer!

Now that you know how to unlock the perks, you need to add the perk to your MyPlayer to receive the boosts. To do this, follow the steps below.

Follow these steps

  1. Go to the progression tab in the player menu

  2. Select the takeover option

  3. Scroll over and select the perk option and a menu will open with the perks that you have already unlocked

    *If the perk is not unlocked, it will have a lock icon over it.

  4. Scroll through and look at each description of the perks and decide which perk will be best for your MyPlayer build.

    *There are a number of different perks to choose from that can help improve your game.

Accelerator boosts your takeover meter.

If you can’t decide on which perk to use, try out the Accelerator perk. This perk fills your takeover meter faster when you perform well on the court. This means you’ll fill up your takeover meter a whole lot faster and you will be able to activate your takeover sooner than you normally would. To unlock this perk, you will need to unlock the Mamba Mentally badge. The quest line that you need to complete is acquired from Chris Bickley. You’ll find this quest line under the Career quests tab in the MyPlayer Quest menu.

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