It can be difficult trying to figure out the best defenseive badges that you can put on your two-way finisher build especially if you are new to NBA 2k21 (current-gen). There are a variety of ways that you can change up your badges to make your defender unstoppable in the paint and on the parameter with the best of the point guards out there.
- Ensure that you make a build with at least 8 defensive badge points.

Two Most Important Badges
There are two badges that can be considered the most important to have on any build that you decide to make in NBA 2k21. These badges are intimidator and Clamps. With a minimum of 8 badges, you should be able to put both of these badges on gold. If you are able to put these two badges to ” Hall of Fame”, it is highly encouraged.

When you are selecting which badge to put on your MyPlayer, it is important that you check out the badge information sheet for more details on how each badge works. This is a major part of understanding how each badge works with each other. The badge information sheet can be opened by using the button at the bottom corner of the screen. If you are using an Xbox it is “Y”.

For example, If we look at the badge info sheet, we can see that that the Intimidator badge increases your shot defense. This means that when you contest a shot the offensive player is less likely to make the shot. This applies to both layups and jump shots. Using Clamps will help stop the ball handler from getting to the lay and basket by cutting off their running path. This is very useful when defending against defenders and other builds that like to explode out of a size up or run around you.
The best thing about the Clamps and Intimidator badges is that it doesn’t matter what position you are playing, the boost will still apply.
Additional Badge Combinations
Playing as a 6’7 265 SF 2-Way Defender build will require you to play in the paint as well as on the parameter. This type of gameplay calls for badges such as box, rebound chaser, and rim protector. These will help with rebounding and ensuring that you are in a position to box out the larger centers in the paint. Rim Protector is key to help prevent getting dunked on buy the slashers and other players that have an open lane to the basket.

Rebounding plays an important role in a basketball game whether that be 3 vs. 3 or the traditional 5 vs. 5 games. If your team is having trouble grabbing boards, you’re in for a long game.
Other badges that you should consider using alongside the previously mentioned badges include pickpocket and interceptor for stealing the ball. Normally the team with the most turnovers, losses the game. With a high steal rating and the boost from those too badges, turnovers will be much easier to create and give your team more chances to win the game.
If you have 30 badge points to work with, you can place the remaining points on badges like brick wall chase down artist and pick dodger.
Depending on what teammates you are playing with you may want to put more points on different badges. If you have a point guard that likes to play off picks, you may want to think about putting as many points as you can on brick wall.
There are a number of ways to make the perfect defender but it all really depends on your play style.
Check Out The Full Video Here!
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