Having trouble winning NBA 2K20’s Big Top Challenge? Don’t worry, I have some tips and tricks that you can use to conquer this challenge and finally get that backpack you’ve been wanting! Oh yeah, and we will cover what you get for winning and how to equip your new gear. Let’s get started!

What is the Big Top Challenge?

NBA 2K20’s Big Top Challenge is one of the many MyPlayer Neighborhood events that have been placed in this year’s fan-favorite basketball game. These events are a change of pace from the typical park games ( 2v2 and 3v3) that you are able to play on a daily basis. You can check when these events are available by looking at the “Event Schedule” that can be found in the “The Neighborhood” section in your MyPlayer main menu.

So what is this Big Top Challenge?

The developers in 2K studios went over the top with this one and transformed the park into a full-blown carnival. Once you load into the neighborhood, you will notice that the park has been surrounded by a large and colorful gate. You will also notice that you can only enter the park by passing through an entrance that has a large “Welcome” sign hanging at the top.

When you enter the mini maze of mirrors, your MyPlayer’s head will grow larger and larger until your player looks like a bobblehead. The big heads can be funny but at the same time, it does make seeing the ball on the court a little more difficult because as you can imagine, the enlarged head gets in the way.

What are the requirements to win the event?

The Big Top Challenge Event is composed of three separate challenges that need to be completed in order to choose two separate winnings from five different prizes. The challenges that you will need to complete include:

  1. Trampoline Ball
  1. Mini Basketball
  1. 3v3 House Rules

In each of these events, you will be competing against AI / computer-controlled NBA players that are dressed in Mascot costumes. You will need to win in each of these three events, three separate times.

Once you have completed each of these tasks you will win the event and receive your rewards. Now let’s talk about the tips and tricks to win.

First, I would suggest that you do not take these AI players lightly. Their defense is solid and when you make a mistake they most likely capitalize off that mistake and turn it into a made basket. Trust me when I say making a mistake is extremely punishing and having two other players on your team that understand this will help ease the pain of the tough AI players. Speaking playing the AI, that leads me into the second tip.

If you can, link up with other players that you know or just met in the park. Of course, you are on your own when it comes to the mini-basketball challenge, but for the other two events this is the perfect time to “squad up”. It can also be difficult to actually get a game because most of the time people will join a squad and “take” the “next” spot before you are able to. This can be extremely frustrating especially when you have been waiting for over 20 minutes to get a chance to compete in the challenge. It is my assumption that this is the reason for the 2X Rep that they give you for participating in this event.

On to the third and final tip. When you are playing the A.I. try using a MyPlayer build with a high-speed rating to run along the edge of the court and make a move to the basket once you are past the computer-controlled player. This may or may not work however, it is just a suggestion to make your life easier for those who are having difficulty with this event. Also, passing the ball around the court and limiting your amount of dribbling will help players get open for an easy basket.

What do I win?

For completing the NBA 2K20 Big Top Event you get to choose two items from five prizes.

  2. 5000 VC

Where are my rewards?

Okay, now that we have covered some tips and tricks on how to win this event, lets quickly cover where to find your rewards.

  • Step 1: Go to the MyPLAYER Appearance tab in the MyPlayer Menu.
  • Step 2: Enter the CLOTHES menu
  • Step 3: From here follow the green exclamation mark to find the prizes that you have chosen.

That’s it! See below for a full video guide.

Check out the Full Video Below!

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